Explore projects
Data pre-processing and calculation of DNAm-based measures of aging in participants from KORA F4 with methylation data from 450K array.
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unger / sarek.ibg
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Pipeline for processing general ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, CUT&RUN/CUT&TAG datasets.
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This script(s) aim to have a tool to visualize and process Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI) files. Link to Testfile(s) "Hela.tiff" "First Frame.tiff", "CleanerImage,tiff": https://hmgubox2.helmholtz-muenchen.de/index.php/s/rPwDQrjxJoE8CcH
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Correlation guided Network Integration (CoNI) is an easy-to-use R package for the unsupervised integration of numerical omics datasets. Our tool is based on partial correlations.
Archived 0Updated -
GitLab project for issue P_345_RLGHM_WunderlichMargit (projects_overview#71)
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Fetal early non-invasive biomarkers of chronic maternal stress during pregnancy resulting in alterations of infant cognitive development
This folder contains the scripts for the statistical analysis (DMPs and DMRs) done for the FELICITy project.
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